Is your customer strategy ready for a refresh?

We will identify new opportunities for growth in as little as 30 days!



Bringing you expertise that will allow you to focus your priorities and resources - and to create and accelerate shared customer driven objectives across the organization…

We Focus on Results with a 1to1QuickStart!

At Shimko1to1, we aim to pinpoint practical opportunities to achieve immediate results and set up long-term success. We think strategy and action should be closely linked, with results that can be easily measured. We start with a quick evaluation, then create a plan aligned with your organization's main goals and chances for growth.

We can help you to gain a fast and measurable return on your investment through our 1to1 QuickStart! Program.

  • The “1to1QuickStart!” is designed to provide you with an actionable opportunity assessment within a four to six weeks

  • Identifies new high impact opportunities to get, keep and grow customers

  • Our commitment is to provide immediate and ongoing value and a clear path to identifying and implementating “low hanging fruit” and longer term opportunities

maximizing return on REsources and Prioritizing action

We have the proven expertise to match a 1to1 strategy to your specific needs and priorities, and to provide an external focus to align your team for success

Tom has built customer driven strategies across many industries and has worked across organizations of virtually every size, from start-ups to Fortune 5 enterprises. A proven leader in 1to1, Tom will be able to help to align the required levels across the organization. He has worked with board level clients seeking new positioning and branding strategies to line managers looking to increase growth in the short term. As the leader of Shimko 1to1, Tom brings a wealth of knowledge and experience on how to improve your marketing direction.

1to1 Perspective

At Shimko1to1 we provide you answers on how to achieve new market growth based on the perspective of the customer, with the strategic vision of a CEO, the financial and ROI concerns of your CFO, the focus on operational efficiencies of your COO, and with the practical implementation requirements of your sales and marketing team

Please contact us and we can discuss specifically how we can tailor our services to your exact needs