Email &  Traditional Direct Mail Marketing: High Impact Revenue & Profit Growth Drivers.

We can show you who to target and how to increase your open rates and conversions

Let us get you out of the RFM trap and show you a better way.


While email marketing is often the "workhorse" of many direct marketing plans, some organizations are seeing declining click-through and open rates. Other are revitalizing their email efforts through 1to1 strategies and are enjoying lifts of 5X - 6X open rates over previous annual campaigns.

Why the difference? It's the same as "shouting at everyone" versus cultivating an ongoing 1to1 dialogue and a 1to1 relationship. Are you giving your customers a good reason to opt-in of your next message, and not just buy again at a discount?

If your customers are opening your emails more now than ever and are responding, you are likely either already segmenting campaigns, providing access to a personalized URL's, personalizing your messages or are your may be offering new and richer discounts.

RFM marketing - a road to disaster

Stop relying on discounts. The simple strategy to go to those that buy the most and the most frequently, and incenting them to buy again through discounts is one that needs to be replaced. This RFM approach (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) strategy works in the short run, but at great cost that drives down profit by discounting prices to those that already are buying. It's akin to discounting your most valuable products to those that are already buying. Think about it.  Who can't make revenue grow through this strategy? Unfortunately it's a short term and costly win. 

If you are segmenting, are you using 3rd party data that is bringing lower returns while increasing your prospect data modeling efforts and costs?  We can help you to identify which 3rd party data will provide you with the highest ROI.

How Shimko 1to1 can help:

  • Email audit
  • Benchmarking third append party data audit and evaluation/recommendation
  • Segmentation analysis 
  • New segmentation pilots and market testing
  • Best customer campaign design

In a 10-12 week engagement Shimko 1to1 can provide you with a fresh look at your email, and performance that will more than pay for the effort. We've found that 3rd party data append based demographic/psychographic segmentation falls very short of the goals and payoff of 1to1 marketing. 

Direct Mail

In many industries, the 100X cost of direct mail over email (averaging $40-$100 per thousand) has resulted in a drastic scaling down of direct mail, and even elimination of investments in the channel. The fact is that those customers that respond to direct mail do so for a reason. We will identify those customers for you, help you to identify select lists that match those same high response rates, finding high value customers, and change your view on how a balanced marketing mix can improve your overall revenue growth and profitability.

Do you know how direct mail may be influencing your customer's overall purchase decision?

Attribution modeling can help you understand the different marketing messages that underline that decision. If you are assigning "sales credit" to the last touch channel, you are likely missing the pieces that make up a customer's decision. We can show you a better way through attribution modeling and other Direct Mail services. 

How Shimko 1to1 can help:

  • Direct mail audit
  • Benchmarking third party append data
  • List optimization
  • Segmentation analysis and market testing
  • New segmentation pilots
  • Channel attribution modeling