Our Current State 1to1 Journey mapping provides a blueprint of your customer, prospects and even your front line employee’s experiences. Understanding those journeys will show you where you can maximize value, reduce costs and increase retention.
The Future State Journey map charts your course to new growth.
We will work with your team to define how you interact with customers today, particularly those customers that are most profitable, and those that are least profitable. By mapping all interactions we will identify areas where you specifically can:
Reduce time and costs
Increase revenue opportunities
Increase profitability
Enhance your database by capturing additional customer information
Increase cross selling
Increase customer loyalty
We will deliver a Future State map that will maximize your future return on investment. Included will be:
Prioritizing most impactful journeys through NPS and survey feedback
Identifying potential actions
Identifying business impact, measures of success and monitoring
Revenue, profit and cost savings forecasts for recommended changes
Database opportunities to capture customer information and to create new dialogue
1to1 Touchmapping and Journey Mapping Case Studies
We have used touch point mapping as the starting point to generate new revenue, reduce costs and improve loyalty with many different clients across industries. Below is short summary of key client projects:
Industry: Financial Services
Problem: Net Promoter Scores (NPS) were identified however potential improvement opportunities were episodic without measures of success. Actions were not tied to future NPS changes.
Findings: Cross functional training was required to educate the leadership team on the value of customer insights, the importance of maximizing customer value, how journeys can be mapped and prioritized, and how action plans should be developed and measured.
Results: A common language and approach was established across all key operating teams. Potential actions were developed with each ranked for “Impact to resolve the painpoint” and “Ease of implementation”. Each potential action was scored and prioritized. Two lists were developed, one of “low hanging fruit” that could be easily implemented, and “longer term opportunities” that required additional resources and time to implement. Prioritized actions were then further prioritized based on potential business impact based on journey volume, cost estimates and potential ROI. Seventy six action plans were further refined to 16 actions.
Financial impact measured post implementation included annual customer retention increases and $$$ saved, increased customer cross selling $$$, increased referrals and trackable improvements to the customer experience and Net Promoter Score.
Industry: Health Services
Problem: Current satisfaction scores were not tied to specific patient pain points. Actions tended to be reactive and problem resolution was not well tracked.
Findings: Satisfaction scores were being used for reports to the Board and other stakeholders. There was no centralized framework and approach to action planning and no measures in place.
Results: We identified Outpatient services as a pilot opportunity. Clinical staffs were trained in the Journey Mapping and Customer Loyalty concepts and the framework for success. Patients were contacted by the staff for a short Net Promoter Score survey, including “what specifically happened that made you give that rating”. Feedback was collected and shared on a weekly basis. Actions were taken based on reoccurring feedback and painpoints that resulted in the overall NPS rating. The process was piloted for six months with NPS scores showing weekly improvements. The pilot was expanded thereafter to all clinical areas.
A significant bi-product of this work was the identification of specific actions that resulted in patients’ giving the highest NPS scores. We were able to identify what actions created delighted patients that made them loyal customers with high referral rates. These findings were used to identify new branding and marketing benefits, web content, case studies, and also to reward individual employee actions that resulted in delighted customers.
Industry: Automotive
Problem: Like many clients, our customer a major automobile manufacturer was concerned with the amount of internally generated and partner generated message going to their customers. A customer touch map created a view from the customer's point of view.
Findings: Each new customer was receiving over 30 different messages within the first month of car ownership. Responses were low and customer satisfaction was equally below target. Based on customer feedback we were able to reengineer the communication process to improve customer interactions and increase impact.
Results: Initial results included a 6% decrease in marketing communications expense. Loyalty and satisfaction scores also increased.
Industry: A Multi-Billion $ Service Provider
Problem: This world renowned organization provides services to virtually every consumer and business in the United States. The problem was that they had operated under the same product - price model for years, and was not taking advantage of their largest asses - their customers. The new Chief Marketing Officer decided it was time for a change.
Findings: By mapping and analyzing touch points with both consumers and businesses we were able to identify over $1 Billion in 1to1 program opportunities. Our opportunity assessment included:
Tiering customers based on value and needs
Enabling a single view of the customer across channels
Organizing sales and service around customer needs
Identifying enterprise wide opportunities for new sales leads
Integrating marketing and communications as one voice to the customer
Creating customer collaboration and loyalty programs
Establishing measurements for individual and segment level customer performance
Establishing internal governance of a customer strategy
Results: Our detailed findings included over twenty recommended programs, each recommendation included financial forecasts, resource requirements, schedules, and detailed action plans. We mapped each recommendation on "ease of implementation" and "potential impact". The top ten opportunities were identified and implemented.
The revenue impact was substantial, approaching or exceeding original forecasts. Importantly, we educated the marketing staff on how to continue forward to evolve each program over time and changed the organizations mindset from a product-price mentality to a customer focused approach to marketing.