Let us show you what the future of health care marketing looks like. This includes, CRM, 1to1, Multi-Channel Marketing Approaches and new ways to work with patients, recommenders, physicians and donors. 

Our extensive background in healthcare includes leading strategic planning, marketing, research, branding, and service line strategies for a $400 million health care provider.

In addition, if your organization sells to the health care market, we've worked with organizations to help them position themselves for new success selling through a customized 1to1 approach

1to1 Health Care Services include:

  • How to Implement Patient, Physician and Constituent Customer Relationship Management Strategies

    • Patient & Constituent Database Development

    • CRM Implementation Planning & Execution

    • Foundation & Donor Database & Marketing Strategies

    • Net Promoter Score Loyalty Tracking and Reduced Cost Higher Impact Customer Satisfaction Program Development

    • Database & CRM Technology Assessments and Implementation Planning

    • Web, Social & Mobile Strategy Design


  • Prioritizing Opportunities for Marketing Investment: Service Line Centers of Excellence Planning

    • Defining & Prioritizing Centers of Excellence

    • Brand Positioning & Planning - Competing as a Local, Regional or National Health Provider

    • Website and Mobile App Strategy and Design


  • Selling Physicians: Physician Liaison Business Development and Loyalty Program Design and Implementation

    • Physician Referral Strategies, Analysis and Tactical Plans

    • Physician Satisfaction & Problem Resolution Strategies/Programs

    • Retention & Loyalty Program Development


  • How To Target the Health Care Sector & Position Marketing for Success

    • Business Planning & Forecasting 

    • Market Assessments & Go-to-Market Strategies

Our background in healthcare is both deep and extensive.Tom Shimko not only led strategic planning and marketing as the Chief Marketing Officer for a major healthcare provider, but also has worked extensively across the industry to both implement 1to1 marketing and to define customer and physician needs and service opportunities. 

A Summary of our Approach and Services:


We've helped health care providers develop their 1to1 strategy through patient, consumer and stakeholder insights. The service line approach that many organizations embrace are often "internally driven" and leave out the customer component with an "if we build it they will come" thought process. In the context of a health care, the "customer" is often a complicated set of stakeholders and recommenders that includes former patients, families, physicians, and others. We can help you to untangle the customer perspective and define how best to go forward to maximize your strategies and programs, both in the short term and as an overall long-term strategy.

1to1 Health Care Case Studies:

Managing Service Lines and Establishing Centers of Excellence: How to Prioritize Marketing Dollars

Providing a Customer Driven Approach to your Strategic Plan: The Steps to Integrate and Optimize CRM and a Customer Driven Approach

Creating and Managing a Physician Liaison Program and Improving Physician Referral Rates 


Managing Service Lines and Establishing Centers of Excellence:


Service lines are the life blood of a health care organization. But are they all equal? Are they perceived to be centers of excellence by customers and decision makers? Why or why not?

We have helped organizations to map their current service lines, understand and quantify customer perceptions in a competitive context, and to define true centers of excellence on which growth and marketing dollars can be forecasted. We will help you to identify those centers of excellence, map your future strategies and prioritize your actions. With our assistance you can create an objective quantitative customer view of what is required for growth within each service line, and a clear methodology for how and where resources should be allocated.

The Steps to Providing a Customer Driven Approach to your Health Care Strategic Plan:



Here are some ways that we can help you to get started with a 1to1 Health care plan:

  1. Creating and implementing fully operational fact-based marketing plans focusing initially on Centers of Excellence
  2. Changing referrals patterns by creating and managing business development and a physician database, including tracking referrals, identifying education opportunities. improving physician loyalty and leveraging marketing partnerships
  3. Establishing requirements for market data through analysis, primary, and secondary research, understanding stakeholder needs, segments, competitive environment, and creating key marketing metrics from which growth plans can be developed and results tracked
  4. Creating and optimizing the Health Care Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plan
  5. Actively managing and showing ROI from a touch point strategy and plan that includes integration of the Internet, Social Media, the Call Center and other critical touch points. 
  6. Planning and managing community and government relationship strategies
  7. Implementing and managing marketing communications and public relations
  8. Developing and implementing a brand position and strategy
  9. Developing a donor driven approach to foundations and donor marketing tactics

Selling to Physicians: Creating and Managing a Physician Liaison Program and Improving Physician Referral Rates:


Eighty percent of the time a consumer will choose a health care provider, treatment, or hospital based on the recommendation of their physician. We worked with health care organizations to create and implement successful new Physician Liaison programs. These included:

  • Creating a Physician Liaison plan and implementation process
  • Hiring and training Physician Liaisons, including establishing objective and compensation plans
  • Identifying support material requirements to "sell" health care capabilties
  • Identifying referring and non-referring physicians
  • Creating a physician feedback loop
  • Implementing a plan to manage negative feedback through executive team leadership and an ongoing 
  • Measuring physician loyalty and "net promoter score"
  • Creating and implementing a Physician Liaison CRM database
  • Creating overall program metrics and key indicator scorecards

Trading High Cost Satisfaction Surveys for Actionable Net Promoter Loyalty Measures:


Many health care organizations use patient satisfaction studies to track customer loyalty. We've found these to be expensive and not actionable. We've implemented a Net Promoter process that includes surveying customers, identifying actionable areas for improvement, and gaining the buy-in across the organization necessary for meaningful change and impact.